NMEA2000 / NMEA0183 Simulator

NMEA2000 / NMEA0183 Simulator


You can use NMEA simulator to simulate real NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 devices or analyze bus messages. With simulator you can e.g. test your navigation application at the office or at home without any physical devices. It can be also used to simulate data for real devices on bus.


Sends common NMEA0183 or NMEA2000 messages. For NMEA2000 output you need specific hw to connect to the NMEA2000 bus.

  • (NMEA2000 device simulation. When you have the purchased the  commercial NMEA2000 / NMEA0183 Simulator it will do address claiming and responding to message request.
  • Reads NMEA0183 or NMEA2000 messages and displays them in console in chronologic order or list as latest different messages.
  • NMEA2000 bus device list. Can be defined to work as active or passive.
  • Message highlighting.
  • Message filtering.
  • Real GPS satellite simulation.
  • Save messages for further analyze.
  • Playback for saved messages.
  • Loads messages saved in Simulator, OpenSkipper xml or Actisense EBL format.

Free version (SW only) has some limitations:

  • Message count is limited to 5000 for Message console or Loaded messages.
  • Only 2 message highlighting.
  • Only first 100 NMEA2000 messages will be showed parsed.

Commercial version (SW and Hardware purchased here):

  • Our NMEA2000 Simulator features extensive content-sensitive help that allows the user to understand every feature by simply by high-lighting the field in question and pressing F1 button on the keyboard.


  • Possible to define virtual devices and select messages joined to them.
  • Virtual devices can send their device information periodically or on request as normal devices does.
  • If selected virtual devices also does address claiming.
  • Possible to follow gpx track or route.

Bus traffic operations:

  • Works as bus listener.
    • Lists messages either in sequential mode or in list mode, which separates messages by sender, PGN and possible instance
    • Message highlighting for sequential messages makes it easier to follow messages.
    • Message follow for sequential messages locks scrolling for specific message
  • In both modes messages can be showed parsed.

Special NMEA 2000 commands:

  • Request for common and any PGN
  • Group function request
  • Group function command
  • Address change command
  • Any message. User can type message in hex and send it once or periodically.

Run multiple NMEA Simulator instances:

You can run multiple NMEA Simulator instances with different options by starting simulator with command line option:
NMEA_Simulator -options ‹path_to_options_file›

Command line options:

  • -options ‹path_to_options_file›
    Start simulator by saving all settings to given .ini file. If file does not exist, it will be created and current default options will be copied to it.
    You can use definition %PROGDIR% to point NMEA_Simulator.exe location. e.g.
    -options %PROGDIR%\MyDevice.ini

  • -RunStartDelay ‹run_delay_in_ms›
    Set NMEA Simulator to run mode after given delay. Minimum delay is 100 ms.